SVM is a "Vismats" sharing site. It's also a place where anyone can ask question regarding VRAY SketchUp materials.

All resources offered are shared by the authors themselves. Use of any resources offered for commercial purposes is prohibited. Otherwise you need to responsible for any consequences produced! Any profitable behavior of utilizing the resources downloaded from this site is condemned and disdained sternly. Some of the resources, and data here were shared by the authors freely and we don't have all the capacity to know, if you feel some resources have infringed your copyright. Please contact us, we will delete it as quickly as possible, we won't bear any legal responsibility for the resources. Thanks.

Monday, 25 February 2013

zdesign_small town VISMAT

my primary vismat material that I used in the scene...SVA RENDERING CHALLENGE "Small Town"
WALL_Z                                      BRICK_Z                                ROAD_Z